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  08.07.2021 в 16:35   68  
when a child starts smiling and giggling after seeing a toy, the neuroscience studies the interplay of various neurochemicals and neurotransmitters in the brain that results in the observable behaviour of being happy.According to the American Psychological Association, Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour, including conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feeling and thought. Basically, it helps to understand how people think or behave in the way that they do.

In our example of the child being happy - psychology observes the manifested happiness in the form of a smile and giggle and the actionable behaviour of the desire to get the toy.Now, Cognitive science studies the overlap between this observable behaviour and brain activities. It comes to study the mind and its mental processes such as attention, memory, decision making, perception, reasoning, emotion etc. It is an interdisciplinary field which subsumes psychology and neuroscience along with four other disciplines of computer science, anthropology, linguistics, and philosophy. It holistically studies the tasks and functions of cognition borrowing concepts from other disciplines.

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