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program aimed at networking computers

  28.05.2021 в 15:01   69  
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The cable industry began in the 1940s and 1950s as a way to get television signals into remote areas. Antennas were placed in advantageous locations (e.g., the top of a mountain) and the signals were distributed along coaxial cable lines to local homes. As cable systems grew in size and number, and in the types of signals or services they provided, a full-fledged, wide-reaching industry began to take shape. According to the National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA), by 1962 there were already nearly 800 cable systems with almost 900,000 subscribers in the United States
In the early 1960s, the vision for a research program aimed at networking computers took shape at the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA, later DARPA). As early as 1965, ARPA was sponsoring research into cooperative time-sharing computers and packet switching. Plans for the ARPANET began to take shape in 1966, and in 1968 DARPA awarded a key contract to Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. (BBN) to produce a key component in implementing the network, interface message processors (or IMPs). A year later, the first nodes in the ARPANET became active, allowing research in host-to-host protocols and how best to utilize network resources. By 1971, the ARPANET included 15 nodes, and work was underway on e-mail. As noted in an earlier CSTB report, however, the ARPANET was not DARPA’s only networking research activity—the organization also supported related research on terrestrial and satellite packet radio networks.
More info: computer systems engineer- www.fieldengineer.com/engineers/computer-system-engineering