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understand what technology

  10.06.2021 в 13:56   104  
Digital Transformation can vary for each organization, but these are some key metrics that you can rely on. No matter what metrics

your company leverages, the first step to achieve the expected RoI is by determining how to measure Digital Transformation.
One of the KPIs for Digital Transformation success is Digital Adoption. Having the latest technology implemented and enabling the

workforce to leverage its fullest potential ensures Digital Transformation success.

You can take a look at some Digital Transformation examples that can help you understand how top companies like Nike, Microsoft,

IKEA, and Best Buy look at Digital Transformation, how they embrace the latest technologies and achieve successful DX.

Digital Transformation must be focused on problems that require the most attention at your organization. These priorities will help

understand what technology is needed. A DAP like Apty helps Enterprises to execute any kind of technology-driven transformation.A

robust Digital Adoption Platform, like Apty, can make your transformation seamless with its proactive approach to DX.
More info: network architect - www.fieldengineer.com/skills/what-is-a-network-architect